9 Ways To Make Your Wedding Meaningful and Special

ANYTHING GOES The wonderful thing about weddings today is that virtually anything goes. And the worst thing about weddings today is that.... virtually anything goes! Wait. What?? Weddings are increasingly becoming major productions. The pressure to do something novel, to entertain and WOW guests is huge. And the result? Sadly, more and more married couples are expressing regret that they lost sight of what was truly important to them. So how do you get the balance right? Ironically, as a Stylist you'd think I'd be all for focussing on the appearance of a wedding, but I see my job as helping couples to create weddings that are beautiful inside as well as out. The type of wedding that you can look back on in 10 years time and still feel all the warm fuzzies. And to do that, you have to start by exploring how to make your wedding meaningful and special. In this Blog, I'll share with you some insights I've learned about how to avoid this mistake and make your wedding m...